Benefits of Automatic Pool Cleaners

andronacoVacuuming your pool is a hassle. If you lead a busy life, you don’t always have time to do it as often as you should. And sometimes it’s just hard to find the motivation. However, it’s important to keep your pool clean; this will avoid further complications for yourself. Even if you have a pool service company, it’s important to keep your pool clean for them. We need to be able to see the bottom of the pool if there is an issue.

Automatic pool cleaners make your life easier for you and for us! It will allow you to have even more free time to enjoy your pool. Don’t know which one to purchase? There are several brands to choose from and also different styles and models. We recommend Dolphin pool cleaners- it’s what we use in our own pools and currently the only brand we recommend. In the end the decision is yours and it’s important to find one that meets all your family’s needs and budget. Try talking with your neighbors or friends who have pools to help you decide.

There are three common types of pool cleaners: suction side automatic pool cleaner, pressure side cleaner, and robotic pool cleaner. Suction side cleaners attach to the suction side of your plumbing. Water is “sucked” out of the pool by the filter pump. The cleaner moves randomly or automatically around the pool with the motion created by a device that gives a stop/start pulsing of the water. Pressure side cleaners attach to the pressure side (return) of your circulation system. The water that is being pumped or pushed back to the pool powers the units. These units have distinct advantages. They distribute clean, filtered water around the pool. They come with their own debris bag and don’t compromise the filter system. Emptying the bag is a piece of cake as well. Lastly, robotic pool cleaners are self contained low-voltage electric cleaners complete with a transformer. It has two motors and a pump which draws debris into the unit’s filter.