Meet Karen {Artistic Construction Specialist}

Karen is Ask The Pool Guy’s lead tile specialist. She is usually booked until the end of summer whichKaern in the PortHOle (2) should make you realize she does amazing work!

Our homeowners love the little surprises she puts into their pools! Her most talked about signature is her life like turtles! We as a pool company fawn over her turtles and animals she adds to our pools. Not only does she make cute little critters but she makes towering trees, and rope swings that make our home over leap with excitement!

Karen also replaces and fixes chipped and loose tiles on other pools with her helper Jesse. Together they make magic happen. With out Karen our pools would be tile-less! And we don’t want that now do we? We all love working with Karen when she arrives with her infamous diet coke in hand. She is a joy to be around.

” My favroite reason I love working is the freedom I have to create, and the bouncing of ideas we do off one another.” – Karen Olson