Understanding pH Levels and Your Water Chemistry

pH levels refer to how ‘acidic’ or ‘basic’ your water chemistry is. Maintaining the correct pH levels (or amount of dissolved minerals in your pool water) will mean that the water is no longer seeking to absorb minerals. It also means the water molecules are not too overloaded with dissolved minerals. It’s considered the idea sweet spot for your pool water.

What is a low pH level? Water that has no dissolved minerals will be highly acidic. This will result in a low pH level. Pool water will try to dissolve any minerals it touches: surface cement, tile grout, or pumps.

What is a high pH level? A high pH level is water that contains excessive dissolved material. It will purge (deposit) minerals on pool surfaces. This can cause rough pool surfaces, calcium spots, clogged piping, or clogged heaters.

What is a correct pH level? We recommend the idea pH level be around 7.4 in your pool. Maintaining this proper water chemistry is one of the most important aspects of water chemistry.