Winterize Your Pool

Merlin Safety Covers by Ask the Pool Guy (3)Check out these easy-to-follow tips from Ask the Pool Guy to get your pool ready for winter

It’s that time of year again-temperatures are falling. Winter is approaching. Just as you have to prepare your wardrobe and your home for winter, you will have to prepare your pool for winter. Not sure where to start? Follow these simple steps from Ask the Pool Guy.

Why do I have to prepare my pool for winter?

Good question. During the winter and colder months, your pool will be susceptible to algae build-up, debris, and exposure to harsh weather. The colder weather can also affect the pool itself- its structure and its equipment. This will no doubt lead to costly repairs when it comes time to open your pool.

Steps to prepare your pool:

  • Keep pool water balanced: Your pool’s pH levels need to be between 7.2 and 7.6 at all times. Use a test strip or ask a technician from Ask the Pool Guy to test your pool water to make sure it is properly balanced.
  • Keep your pool clean! It is important to brush the walls and floor of the pool before closing it for winter. Then vacuum the entire pool. Algae loves to grow in unclean water- for this reason make sure to check the skimmer baskets and pump to clear of debris
  • Clean your filter: Check the filter to make sure it is sparkling clean before closing your pool.
  • Shock your pool: We recommend dosing your pool with a “shocking” level of chlorine prior to putting your pool cover on for the winter.
  • Fight algae: Purchase an algaecide that works well for your pool.
  • Maintain pH levels and total alkalinity: The total alkalinity of your pool measures the ability of your pool water to resist changes in the pH. It is essentially the overseer that keeps the pH where it needs to be. If your total alkalinity gets to low, your pool’s pH levels can swing drastically from high to low.
  • If you are in a climate where the pool is “put to sleep” rather than closing. Run the filter: Even during an off-season, we recommend your pool filter be run 2-3 hours each day. If you’re using a timer, remember to adjust it to suit. If you turn your filter off when it’s not in use, you will save money on your electric bill.
  • Keep your pool covered: Having a pool blanket or pool cover will prevent water loss, and it will stop debris from entering the pool. Make sure you have a high quality blanket or cover without rips and tears.
  • Keep a regular maintenance schedule: Just because it’s not in use, your pool still needs your attention. Once you have completed your checklist for winter, stick to a maintenance schedule. Once a week do a quick visual inspection of your pool. Check the equipment, water level, empty the skimmer basket, and check your chlorine an pH levels. Make any adjustments necessary.

If you don’t want to brave the cold for your pool maintenance, contact Ask the Pool Guy for a technician to do it for you!