Chlorinator not Working

1.56K viewschemicalsSalt Generator

I’ve got a question about a coordinator (salt generating system) that seems to not really work. The
power doesn’t seem to be coming on to it no lights at all.

How do you troubleshoot that?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 14, 2018

If the chlorine generator is wired into a system with an automation control panel, the salt cell is designed to only receive power when the pump is also powered on. This is to prevent the creation of chlorine when water is not moving through the system. So first, check to see if this is the case, and that you are assessing power to the unit when the pump is powered on. Next, check breakers and connections/wiring. if it still not working, call in an electrician or pool professional to check line voltage and see if the equipment or an electrical component or breaker is malfunctioning.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 14, 2018

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