Cold Water ic40

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My Intellichlor (Pentair Water) ic-40 shows a red light at the “Flow” indicator.

When I do the 3 second diagnostic check I get quick red pulses on the “cold water system off” and “Flow” indicators.

Should I just wait until water is warmer (it’s at 65 degrees now).

Or should the “flow” indicator be green while the “cold water” indicator is red?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 3, 2018

Common errors with an ic40 especially in cold water are:

Cell light is red= water temperature has fallen below 59 degrees F and no chlorine will be produced.

Flow Light is Red = the flow through the cell is inadequate for proper operation. Check to make sure the pump is on, water is flowing properly (sometimes your filter needing to be cleaned can cause this issue). Make sure the cell is facing the correct direction if you have recently reinstalled it or cleaned it (there is a flow arrow that should point at the direction of water flow).

If these don’t seem to solve the issue, call for service!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 9, 2018

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