Hayward pool pump shuts off

10.20K viewsHow ToTroubleshootPool Pump

My Hayward power flo lx and Hayward pro series s166 shuts down after 25-35 minutes of use. I check the basket at the pump, little to NO leaves, or debris. What is the issue? Backwash and Rinse work fine, just the filter setting kicks off after that time.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 31, 2018

If you have no issue with water flow – it’s either the pump is overheating and turning itself off, or if you have a cord going into an electrical outlet, it may be tripping the breaker.

Pool pumps use a lot of power – and are designed to be run with water in them (some newer pumps are now air cooled instead of water cooled). Your thermal disconnect will turn the pump off if the pump overheats. If the pump is not overheating, you could have to replace this part. This is an important part, the thermal disconnect because it is designed to cut the power before a pump would catch on fire.

The pump can overheat because of either friction, from the impeller spinning inside the pump, especially if you have something trapped in it like pine needles, small rocks or leaves. It will also be possible if the pump runs with no water flow.

It can also overheat if there is an electrical problem, which is the most common reason. Age and heat are enough to cause wear on the pump’s components and cause it to draw too much current.

The pump is telling you there is some type of issue, so you’ll need to do some more troubleshooting to find out. If you can watch the pump for 30 minutes and feel the pump when it turns off, that will tell you if it is overheating. Use caution obviously – if this is the reason the metal will be very very hot.


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 31, 2018

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