New Pool with Intelliclor Ic40 and constant bubbles

2.12K viewsSalt Generator

I have a new salt pool with Pentair equipment that produces constant bubbles from the spa return line when the pump and Intelliclor IC40 are on. If the Intelliclor is completely disconnected I get no bubbles. With the Intelliclor connected and a pump speed below 1750rpm I get no bubbles. I am running at 1950rpm daily and I get constant bubbles. I have had mixed opinions on this by experts. What are your thoughts?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish February 27, 2019

Interesting question.

Our in the field test for an ic40 is to fill a bucket of water from the pool, insert the unit and press in the flow switch. If it makes bubbles the unit works.

When you are running at 1750, check the lights on the ic40 itself. If the flow indicator is red, the unit will not turn on and make chlorine (if you are running at 1750 and your plumbing size is not allowing enough flow, or if your filter is dirty/plugged, those can all affect the flow sensor.

If you are running at 1950 and you are getting bubbles I’d assume it is because the unit is on, and the spa is the closest port for the water to come out, and they are in it from the process of generating your chlorine.

If you’d like to email photos/video to happy to take a further look.

Ask the Pool Guy Answered question February 9, 2019

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