Will a pool tech check the salt generator and monitor chlorine in a salt pool?

724 viewsSalt Generator

We just bought a house and are very new to pools. A few weeks ago we hired a pool tech to de-winterize our pool and service it every 2 weeks. We’ve used the pool a couple of times and tested levels like the salt and ph, etc. Recently we put a solar blanket on the pool and 2 days later had some algae show up. While dealing with the algae I tested for chlorine and came up with nothing. I went and discovered that our salt generator was on idle and it appears to have never been de-winterized (no daily output set). Now I know that we really should’ve been better about ramping up and knowing what we’re doing before swimming. However I also want to know how competent my pool guy is. Would this be something that he should’ve caught?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 16, 2020

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