Salt generator raises pH, add acid to lower pH.

729 viewsSalt Generator


Thanks in advance for your expertise and response!

Per the webpage:
\\\”If you allow pH and total alkalinity to rise without any action, it will result in water that may allow staining and scaling. Salt pool owners who choose to perform no maintenance on their pool aside from adding salt usually find out in a couple of years they have to deal with scaling problems, plaster staining, or unusual water colors.

One of the simplest ways to avoid all these issues is to wash the generator cell with an acid wash a couple times per season. This, on top of regular maintenance, should keep your pool running smoothly.\\\”

I am wondering if what it means is \\\”To avoid all these issues two things must be done. First, the generator cell must have an acid wash a couple times a season. Second, acid must be added to the water to reduce the pH level that increases as the generator cell runs\\\”. Simply keeping the generator cell will not maintain the water pH. Is that correct?

All the best,

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 16, 2020

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