Pool painting

1.11K viewsGunite Pool

I listened to your video on Pool paining. My concern is about the pool popping out of the ground. Is that for Gunite pools as well or are you just referring to fiberglass. Right now our pool is empty and obviously the weather isn’t cooperating. It needs to be painted before we fill it up but that’s probably not gonna happen for a couple of weeks due to the weather. Should I be concerned with the pool popping out of the ground since it is gunite?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 17, 2020

Yes, it is a huge concern if a gunite pool is empty for any length of time, damage can happen in a matter of hours if the pool shifts/moves or lifts at all. So if you can’t paint right away, get water back into the pool asap!

More on Pool Pop Out: https://askthepoolguy.com/qa-painting-a-gunite-pool-and-the-risk-of-a-pool-pop-out/


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 17, 2020

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