ic40 Salt Cell – No Lights

4.49K viewsPentairSalt Generator

My pool has been shut down for over a year as we were adding a sun ledge to it. When they finished, they ran the pump for two days to check for leaks. When the water was treated, the salt generator never came on. Our system uses easy touch and I checked to make sure it was enabled. Checked the power cable, all good. No fuse, just a breaker. My question is: If the cell is bad, will it still show lights? Trying to figure out if there is an electrical problem, but it seems unlikely. Put a tester on the leads from the transformer to the board and it was active. Think I installed it in 2014.

Thanks for any help you can give me before I go buy another one.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 3, 2020

Sometimes when a salt cell goes bad the lights all go out. If the unit is powered correctly it only receives power when the pump is running -and as long as it is plugged in it should be showing lights. A 2014 cell even shut down for 1 years would still have met it’s life expectancy. We’ve done the math for here in Michigan and a cell running over the summer months with winter shutdowns reaches it’s 10,000 hour lifetime in about 3 seasons give or take.
Hope this helps!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 3, 2020

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