Multiport valve 22358 astralpool

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I have a astralpool Multiport valve model 22358 and I need to replace the spider gasket but I can’t get the top off it doesn’t have screws holding it on it has a plastic pin and I have removed That but can’t twist to remove what am I doing wrong thanks for your help

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2021

Astral valves are newer here in the US and not readily available. From searching online we found reference of the parts list and it appears the unit disassembles to be able to replace the part but we haven’t specifically dealt with this valve. Sounds like there could be a need for others to also learn how to do it so when you do figure it out, take some video and you could help educate others! Refer to the manufacturer’s website, and perhaps even a phone call to their tech support dept.

Sorry, we’ve not had this one before, but we are always looking for new things to try. We’ll put Astral parts on the list once we can get them and they are more readily available!

cantabricinstructions cantrabricdatasheet

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2021

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