Recommended Pool Slope for Flat Bottom Pool

2.07K viewsGunite PoolBottom Fall In-Floor Slope


We are having an in-ground, gunnite pool built that is T-shaped with the main part of the pool sized at 11′ x 30′. We are using the Paramount in floor system. The interior finish will be Micro Fusion.

The design is a “flat bottom” pool with a depth of about 5′. We know that the pool has to slope from both ends to the center where the drain is located. Oddly, our team does not seem to know how much of a slope (or at least a minimum/maximum slope) that should be used for this design. Our contractor builds 1,000 pools/year so we are surprised that they don’t know this.

We also have been told that the number and location of the in-floor heads is crucial for good performance and as a result we believe that the slope of the pool bottom would also play a critical role in performance.

Will you give me some guidance on what you would consider the proper slope for our pool bottom?


Fair Oaks, CA

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish March 2, 2021

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