AFTER Re-Marciting – Re-Opening Challenges

612 viewsGunite Poolmarcite plaster stain

we had our 30k gallon pool re-marcited here in Michigan last September. our “builder” / “repair” guy walked us through the process and was very hands on and specific of how to take care after re-marciting: (brush brush brush filter filter filter.) I don’t recall, but I know we did this past his recommended cure time (due to scheduling circumstance). after all of this, we shut it down and closed the pool. We put a large tarp on top of the water after draining below the return jets. then on top we put the safety Loop-Lock cover. works great for 17 years.
this last week, we re-opened. i always pump the clean snow/rain water under the black tarp to start. when taking off the covers and now filtering for clear water in last 72hours we’re seeing some problems…we have a brown stain along the perimeter and some staining on the stairs that hasn’t budged with brushing. we also had quite a bit of plaster “fuzz” on the walls. the robot has picked up quite a bit of residual plaster as well. I can’t accept this as normal. But are there any different things for startup in our scenario of having a recently re-marcited pool that we missed? should we have closed differently? should staining go away w/ time?
any perspective on what’s going on? wife says that there is continued buildup of plaster after robot picks up (I’ll be diving down this pm with GoPro this evening to get better look now that we’re warmed up).

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024

The process of a gunite pool startup is very specific and it sound like you did that, but did you balance the water and adjust water chemistry through the process? Especially before putting a pool to bed for the winter, the chemicals should all be in balance to avoid scaling or etching of the pool surface. It may be possible to correct some of the issue you are having with a direct pour of chlorine down the walls, an acid wash of the pool or adding an abundance of acid to the pool with vigorous brushing and then a re-balance. For the best advice though, reach out to the contractor who did the marcite for the best advice for your particular situation.


Swimming Pool Start-Up Procedures from National Plasters Council

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 19, 2024

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