Weird skimmer

1.17K viewsGunite PoolGunite skimmer box

Hey Pool guy,

I moved into my house back in 2016. I’ve got a inground 30,000 gunite pool and from my research which hasn’t yielded much then it’s building permit was created back in 2002. So I’ve got an image that I could send you of what I’m talking about. But from my understanding of having a drain in a pool is to go back to the pump.

My skimmer box has the usual set up that goes in with the skimmer plastic strainer. But then I have another connection that’s built on to the skimmer box that I haven’t been able to find a piping that was from the previous owners. So that I can circulate the pool. So I’m going to have to jerry rig a pvc pipe that can connect up to the the drain so I can circulate the pool.

I’m really only circulating the pool via a dolphin natulis. Where is shoots the water up towards the surface and the skimmer box picks up that or the other skimmer I’ve got attached to the get to take off what ever lands in my pool.

I was just wondering if you ever seen pool design where the drain was ran to the skimmer with our having a proper connection to circulate the pool?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 7, 2021

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