ecoFinish – is it worth the cost?

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I live in Pennsylvania and thinking about having carlton pools install a pool for me. They are the owners of ecofinish aquabright and the son of the owner invented the product. However there are tons of pissed of reviews from people saying that even in the last year the product they put down in which they should be the experts has bubbled, or peeled off. I don’t want to spend 8k for a product that I am unsure of. They don’t even offer anything else but marblelite. I may go elsewhere just to get a quartz finish.
What do you think? What is your experience with the product? The company has so many bad reviews I am hesitant.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish November 12, 2021

We do love ecoFinish – and are well aware of the issues they have had. As long as it is installed correctly, there are not issues. If they attempt to install on a wet/windy day sometimes the layers don’t adhere together and some of the peeling or bubbling can happen. Though that is typically a cosmetic issue and easily remedied. We would always choose ecoFinish vs. any other finish on our new build pools since the surface is so much smoother, comfortable for swimmers, and less impacted by water chemistry issues.

As long as you are understanding of weather/the best install timeframe and work with them – I would say it’s a great option to choose.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish November 12, 2021

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