Mosaic Tile Coping Surround

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Hoping you can help with this. We are redoing a pool deck surround on a 50 year old in ground this week and ran into some issues once we removed the 12” mosaic tile border that goes around the outer edge. We’re planning on replacing with new mosaic tile strips but at this point May just repair the damaged concrete and then do some kind of coating on entire area instead.
As you can see in the two attached photos there are many area where the original concrete is busted and crumbling. I thought some kind of self leveler may work as it would be thin enough to pour down deep in these areas but not sure if you have a better product in mind.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 15, 2023

Al said: We’ve used white bags of fast setting concrete ( Rapid Set white and blue bag) which mixes up pretty liquid/oozy from Home Depot. It’s a high density fast set concrete – becomes almost like a glue/putty. That may be the best option. Roll on or paint on a concrete bonding agent first.

Or you could mix a portland cement/refractory cement and acrylic additive and mix.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 15, 2023

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