Vinyl Liner Track Issue

1.45K viewsCopingProductsVinyl Liner

I ran across your website searching for answers on how to repair a couple of things on my pool.  I have attached pictures as well.

My first issue is that there is a metal anchor that has moved because of expansion and is now pushing the (fiberglass?) side wall in towards the pool.  I wondered what the best way would be to repair this.  I am planning on installing a new liner this season, but not having seen the pool construction without the liner present I’m not sure if I can remove part of the panel to access this or not.

My second issue is that I will need to replace some of the pool coping because the tracks are broken on a few lengths.  I cannot tell how the coping that I have is attached and haven’t really been able to find a direct replacement coving to match what I have.  I wondered if you could provide any insight on this as well.

Thank you in advance.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish March 29, 2018

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