I’m having a issue with the Tank Dome leaking. I’ve replaced the O-Ring, but it’s still leaks.
Is is possible the tank dome needs to be replaced? I’ve tried everything I can think of short of replacing the tank head which isn’t worth the money!
Please Help!!!
If it is a newer filter, you could replace the dome – I’d consider new 3-5 years old. Older than that, it’s worth looking at replacement.
If you have the old fiberglass style pool filter and it’s really, really old, please replace.
Especially if it is an old sand filter with the dome on the top – replace it. Those filters are referred to as widow makers by some older people in the industry. Especially for old sand filters when the tops don’t spin on tightly or correctly anymore if they’ve warped or aged, and they are highly dangerous if the dome decides to blow itself off. Extreme pressure and highly problematic.