High Chlorine Levels


How can I reduce the chlorine level in my pool?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish September 13, 2018

Too much chlorine can be dangerous. Exposure to over-chlorination can provoke asthma, lung irritation, and potentially skin and eye irritation. As well as being potentially bad for you, it’s bad for your pool. High chlorine levels lower the pH of the water.

it is sometimes necessary to lower chlorine or bromine levels when treating severe metal stains and when dealing with metal problems.

What lowers chlorine levels?

Sodium thiosulfate, or sodium sulfite, will reduce the chlorine. Sodium thiosulfate is another chemical that can be used to reduce your pool chlorine level, with sodium sulfitesodium bisulfite, and sodium metasulfite being variations.


Quick Tip: if you superchlorinate your pool and you need the levels to come down quickly, add a product such as Natural Chemistry Stain Free to your pool and your chlorine will be used up in the process. It is something you may have on hand to remove metal stains from the surface of your pool.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish September 13, 2018

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