Power to Pump – No Water?

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Hello, I bought a new 1.5 HP Hayward super pump. I was a complete bonehead; I hooked up the electricity and turned it on for just a split second to test it out. However, i got distracted, and I forgot to flip the breaker back off. Eventually, my timer turned the thing back on overnight, and it ran for about 24 hours dry. I’ve opened my pool now, and I flipped it on to see if everything still worked. The pump primed and pushed water without any issues. However, it started smoking really bad, so I quickly flipped the breaker back off and disconnected the pump. Would something like a bad shaft seal cause smoking, or does this sound more internal (The smoke does appear to be coming from where the wet end connects to the motor). It seemed like the motor was running fine, meaning no weird noises and running as powerful as could be.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019

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