Cloudy Water Issues?

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Hi, I am having cloudy water issues and have tried many things at the recommendation of a local shop that has tested my water. My original problem was I had copper in the water, and I purchased a product called Pool Magnet plus. My levels eventually returned to normal. I was told I had low alkalinity and low ph. I was told to first shock the pool with liquid chlorine and there was organic material at the bottom of the pool the next day. I vacummed it to waste. Next, I was told to use Balance Pak (alkadjster) to raise the alkalnity. I did it 3 separate times to space it out. This resulted in the water turning very cloudy (milky white colour). I was told to then try floc which did not work and made the water even more milky/cloudy. Next we shocked again with liquid chlorine with it still remaining the same. I am reluctant to keep trying different things that they are suggesting. After watching one of your videos, I see now it could be our sand filter. I don’t even know when it was replaced last. So, I will try that. Any other suggestions? I am frustrated with it all.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019

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