Questions of Glass Media

591 viewsTroubleshoot

Hello Poolguys,
I have been noticing a weird trend of complaints stemming from our glass media and I was hoping you could tell me how to nip the problem in the bud. At first we thought it was because customers were not back washing after replacing their sand with the glass media, and then we thought that the glass was just stored improperly and needed a chem bath (just non-phosphate filter cleaner) to correct it, but we still run into the same problem every so often. The customers say that they have consistently cloudy water from a few days after install, even with our water clarifier and negative phosphate tests. I even had one customer switch back to sand to relieve the issue. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions on how to move forward? I am very pro-sand filter and like the idea of having a better filtering ability to compete with DE, but I don’t want to sell something I can’t correct.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 16, 2020

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