Alkalinity and pH off the charts high, FCI too low

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I’m new to having a swimming pool, so I’m learning as I go. We set up the above ground pool a few weeks ago. I was using baking soda in it. Everything was fine until 3 days ago. I went out to find green nasty water. I had no idea what to do. I don’t really want to use chemicals in our pool and we don’t live near a town where I can get supplies. I figured out that I had to shock it somehow. I used borax to scrub the sides and bottom with a mop. Then I poured bleach in it and stirred it all around for probably an hour getting out anything I could get with the pool net. I changed the filter, which was gross and probably was the reason for the problem in the first place. I added pool salt after this too. By the next morning, the green was gone and the water was a cloudy blue color. I changed the filter again. I could see stuff settling on the bottom so I added some more bleach and scrubbed it with the mop again. Today, the water is still cloudy but no settling of anything on the bottom. I used a test strip and found that the FCI is too low, the ALK is WAY too high, and the pH is WAY too high. Is this because I “shocked” it and I just have to wait for it to return to more normal, or do I need to do something else? I probably went about this all wrong! But now I just need to fix it. Thank you, in advance, for any help you can provide.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 16, 2020

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