When to replace the coping?

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Info. I live on a hill and the ground shifts from time to time. I have a line crack about 2-3 inches below the first tile ALL around the pool. We have a plaster in ground pool. We would like to change the tile all around the pool, replaster the pool (still deciding whether small pebble or quartz), and change the deco seal, the only question I have is whether the coping should be replaced. The coping looks solid, no breaks. After four estimates, the recommendations on whether we should change the coping are even. Two said we should replace the coping, two said leave it alone it looks fine. The two that said we should replace the coping said that the same problem with the tile will occur if we don’t replace the coping. Given we are taking around $5-6K, not an easy decision. How does a pool owner decides? Thank you.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish March 2, 2021

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