Cantilever Decking with tile

1.11K viewsRenovationCantilever deck with tile


We bought a house that has a 45 x 20 ft plaster pool, tile perimeter with Cantilever deck (3” lip over top of the tile). It is quite old and needs help and naively we didn’t know what we were getting into having never had a pool before. We have talked to four different pool construction companies and have received four different recommendations/ estimates. Some have told us the Cantilever deck style is very old and will never keep tile safe from water getting behind it. They recommend completely ripping up the decking in addition to adding all new tile and plaster. Others have said the decking is fine and just to re do the plaster and tile. We would hate to rip up the decking if not necessary but also don’t want to pay the hefty price for new tile and plaster only to have tiles fall off a few years later. Another company even said to just fill it in which I don’t want to do. It seems like a really cool, old pool that just needs maintenance.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 5, 2021

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