Replace piece of bottom track

560 viewsHow To#aboveground #askthepoolguy

We put up a brand new 27 x 54 round RTL signature pool from pool purchased from the pool factory..
We hired someone who used to work at the local pool company for assistance..however, he did NOT level the pool correctly.
Upon filling at 1/2 way one side of my pool in sections lifted 1-3inches off the ground.
We immediately drained the pool.
He did come back and he and my husband releveled the pool.
We are now between 1/4 – 1/2 inch off at a few of the uprights.(uprights are on pavers).
Upon starting to refill the pool at the 1/2 mark agin we noticed piece of the top rail was coming up at one upright post. This post was leaning in some..after examining the area we found the boot boot of the upright (where the bottom track slides in) was broke.
We assume this happened when the pool was unlevel and that side of the pool lifted.
We are waiting on the new boot to arrive.
My question is can that boot be replaced and the track slid back in WITHOUT a taking the pool completely down.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 17, 2023

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