Draining pool to replace pool light

436 viewsRenovationdraining pool light

Dear Pool Guy,

This year we bought a new home that has an in ground pool. Being busy with the move and settling in, a new baby, and busy at work… I didn’t have a lot of time to focus on the pool. We had an escrow setup for any issues with the pool. I ended up ok’ing the release of that because everything seemed ok. I knew the pool light wasn’t working but didn’t think anything of it, other than a burnt out bulb. After releasing the escrow, I decided to take a look at it. Found out that the wiring was cut and they sealed up the conduit some how. Guessing the last time the liner was replaced a few years ago. The original light was leaking and corroded. So after seeing how much for a halogen replacement I decided to just order a replacement LED light off Amazon. I’m an electrician so will be doing the work myself.

I tried to fish the new light wiring down the conduit but it’s hitting something. I even took my phone and put it in the niche to see if I could see anything. No luck. Decided to risk pulling the housing out. Started to but water was getting behind the liner and I got worried. So ended up aborting the mission.

My question for you is:

When I open the pool this year, before I refill it (I live in NY) can I drain it below the niche and pull the entire housing out to see what’s going on and try and run the new wiring? I read you shouldn’t fully drain the pool or have a low water level as it can cause pool to lift if the ground water level is high. I just don’t want to damage the pool or the liner. What is my best way to proceed?



Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 11, 2023

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