Pool and Spa Equipment and the lifecycle of the product

Many say that pool and spa equipment is wearing out more quickly than it used to, and warranties are only getting shorter. What’s to blame?

The past few decades have seen significant improvements in manufactured goods across a number of industries. But rather than making products that are more durable, many companies are producing goods to last what consumers would consider a reasonable time — and that time has been getting shorter.

Over the past several decades, analysts in various industries have used the concept of planned obsolescence to describe trends in a number of different manufacturing niches, from home appliances to computer components. A television set, for instance, lasted an average of 12 years in 1979, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal; but by 2002, that average had dropped to five years. Domestic appliances, which were replaced every 12 to 25 years throughout the early 20th century, were being replaced every four or five years by the early 2000s. And many product replacement cycles have continued to shorten since then.

The service staff at Michigan Swimming Pool Services stays up to date on the latest innovations in the industry, and can help you with your aging equipment. Recommendations can be made whether or not to replace your equipment, and if that noise it is making could be considered normal, or if it is something to be concerned with.

We offer one stop scheduling, troubleshooting, answers to questions, and guidance if you are a homeowner in Michigan.

If you’d like to schedule a service call, please call our Scheduling Hotline: 810-623-0959