Meet Ask the Pool Guy, Al Curtis, as he shares stories, hints, tips and sometimes fun experiences throughout his 23 year and counting career in the Swimming Pool Industry.
He’s blogging, YouTubing, recording episodes of Ask the Pool Guy TV, and some of his stories so you can play them back via audio. He just released his book, Ask the Pool Guy’s Everyday Guide to Swimming Pools and in August of 2013 was named as one of Pool and Spa News “Masters of Design.” We’re sure he’s got more up his sleeve…so stay tuned!
Al Curtis and Sandi Maki have been in the pool industry for years. Because their business is based in Michigan, they experience a little down time during the winter—there is not much pool work to be done in February. They use this off-season time to keep up on industry events, as well as build up their social media and marketing strategy and coach other small businesses and entrepreneurs, helping them to develop their own social media strategy to grow their brand.
Ask the Pool Guy was created in 2012 by Al Curtis (the inspiration), and Sandi Maki (the marketing guru), through a series of synchronistic events. Al had a knack for knowing swimming pools. Ever since his college days of his summer job with a local pool company, he lived, breathed, and dreamed swimming pools. In 2004, Sandi joined Al’s pool company and began working on the brand for the future. Her desire to be online (before it was cool), began to shape the message within the company for amazing online success. In 2008 based on the desire to bring small businesses together they also launched a second business, the InSights Group, a small business incubator, masterminding and marketing firm.
Al and Sandi have a common sense approach to integrating social media into a business marketing plan, and they are passionate about helping others learn how to market and grow their businesses. They have used social media strategy to grow their small pool service and construction business into a nationally-recognized brand. They have real-world pool industry experience, as well as solid marketing knowledge.