Rust spots would come from a couple different things – could be bobby pins or other metal that drops to the bottom of the pool – could be nails – could be pennies if they were used to hold the Read More …
Rust spots would come from a couple different things – could be bobby pins or other metal that drops to the bottom of the pool – could be nails – could be pennies if they were used to hold the Read More …
Question: Hi, I am having cloudy water issues and have tried many things at the recommendation of a local shop that has tested my water. My original problem was I had copper in the water, and I purchased a product Read More …
Question: Where can I buy a chair for in the pool? What chairs will work? Answer: If you can find plastic chairs, those will be the best. The issue is if it is a liner pool you don’t want anything Read More …
As pool people we’ve often had to use muriatic acid in swimming pools. There are all kinds of methods including feeding acid through a garden hose to get it to the spot. This looks like a MUCH easier way. We Read More …
If a chlorinator lid begins to leak there are a couple of things to check. First. check the o-ring, and the top of the canister where the top screws on to make sure it is clean and not gunked up, Read More …
Question: Hello. We have a pool and we’re newbies. We have an on the ground pump, no sand filter, our water is a dark brown color to an orange. We shocked it and had the water tested. We have a Read More …
Question: Hi. Questions about stair repair. Our steps are fiberglass with plastic on the outer surface. They started to blister two years after the pool was put in. The pool is now nine years old and had a new liner put Read More …
http://www.SwimmingPoolSteve.com – When you add chlorine to a bromine pool the chlorine acts as an oxidizer and reactivates spent bromine salts back into active bromine. The same is not true for the reverse situation in that adding bromine to a Read More …