The chemistry involved in chlorine generating systems (salt water pools) In a salt-water pool salt is dissolved in the water as it passes through the plates of the chlorine generator. The sat is broken down in order to be used Read More …
Category: Salt Water Pools – Chlorine Generators
Should I Build a Natural Swimming Pool?
Natural swimming pools began in Europe in the early 1980’s. At first it seemed to be more of an artistic thing, now it’s more of an issue of ‘sustainability’. Natural swimming pools may cost more upfront to create, but they Read More …
Why is my chlorine reading 0 when my salt chlorinating generator is running?
Q: I have a Pentair chlorinator ic40 for a salt water pool of 30,000 gallons. All lights are green and I bumped it up from 60 to 100, yet no chlorine level is showing. I took water to the local Read More …
Why does everyone assume a green pool means algae? What are some other possibilities for green pools in Rio?

Algae is often the simplest and most assumed idea when a swimming pool starts to turn green. This can be the cause in many cases, especially if sanitizer levels are allowed to drop. There are many other reasons why a Read More …
SeaKlear PhosKlear – Phosphate Remover and Water Clarifier

SeaKlear’s 2-in-1 formula removes high levels of phosphate without clouding. PhosKlear 4000 removes 4000ppb of phosphate in 10,000 gallons of pool water, making it easy to remove high levels of phosphate while experiencing crystal clear water. Product Description SeaKlear’s new Read More …
ic40: When a Salt Cell Lifetime Expires

The intellichlor Salt Cell has a lifetime of approx 10,000 hours. To check this, press and hold the more button for 3 seconds. The lights should scroll through and leave a few of the percentage lights lit up. The amount Read More …
Pool Salt – Purchase from a Pool Place

When purchasing chemicals and pool supplies, we always suggest purchasing from a pool supplier. That way you know that the supply chain got you the best product possible, with the fewest impurities and will protect your pool and your equipment! Read More …
Community Water Supply High in Iron and high in pH – constantly added to the swimming pool

We have a swimming pool owner with community water that runs very high in pH. The pool has an automatic filling system on it, so as the pool gets low, water is added. As you can guess, this results in Read More …