Hi. We are getting quotes to resurface a pool in one of our St. John villas. It is a 25 year old pool with a poured concrete base and a plaster finish. The plaster is quite coarsely textured due to wear over the years, and it now looks beige, which lets the water take on a slightly greenish cast. Our other villa was resurfaced eight years ago with Diamond Brite, and looks great. We were heading that way when we were informed about someone on island doing resurfacing with ecofinish Aqua Brite thermal spray. It is really hard to find out much about this. I read your report from 2014; are you still upbeat on the product, or have you seen issues? Thanks.
We still love the ecoFinish and are using it on our new pools with gunite areas – and our all gunite pools. You will still need to keep an eye on water chemistry with this finish – but not as critically as with a gunite/plaster/pebble finish. It has our endorsement for sure…