Here are some questions and answers that one of our customers recently had about the process:
How long does it take to apply ecoFinish to a gunite pool?
- The application of ecoFinish will take 2-3 days. We drain the pool, acid wash and prep the surface. Then we roll on an epoxy which has to dry – and then we recoat the epoxy and we’re ready to apply the finish.
How does ecoFinish get applied?
- The ecoFinish goes on in multiple layers, the first coat is a basic coverage coat. The second is getting the color evenly layered on and the final coat smooths it out. As soon as the final coat is on, we can begin filling the pool back up – there is not additional drying time needed.
What do I have to do about water chemistry with ecoFinish?
- The finish is more water chemistry friendly than traditional gunite or plaster. The surface is not as affected by the water balance – and it’s a flame applied plastic that will be treated similar to a vinyl liner pool for water chemistry. Calcium hardness levels don’t have to be kept nearly as high as they do with a gunite (marcite or pebble surface).
What if my pool is closed before we schedule my ecoFinish install?
- Mark can still close the pool and equipment down. When we apply ecoFinish we’ll drain the pool completely, resurface, and then fill the pool back up just high enough that it’s at the normal closing level (just below the returns). When the pool is opened in the spring we’ll want to shock it at the opening, and then adjust the water chemistry 1 week later to make sure it gets balanced before running through the equipment for too long.
What do I have to do to get ready for ecoFinish?
- The customer doesn’t need to do anything to prepare, other than have the garden hose available.
What is the warranty on the ecoFinish surface?
- The manufacturer offers a warranty, I’ll attach their warranty paperwork. We also offer our own warranty – within 1-2 years if there are any issues with the finish we’ll fix it as needed. We’ve been doing ecoFinish on our gunite pool installs and our sunledges etc. for years now and have not had issues with the finish going bad. The only thing we have noticed is if we do the ecoFinish on a really windy day the surface doesn’t always bond together as it should and we just have to go over it more carefully to get the uniform finish we need.
Is ecoFinish really a good choice?
- The surface is much more satin like than gunite finishes, and as far as using the pool – we expect you’ll love it. So much less scraping of knees and toes when using the pool. We love it!
We have many videos on youtube about ecofinish, and more q and a. Here’s a quick look at us refinishing a gunite pool: