Hi. Questions about stair repair. Our steps are fiberglass with plastic on the outer surface. They started to blister two years after the pool was put in. The pool is now nine years old and had a new liner put in and the blisters repaired. Within two weeks, the repair areas developed black rings around repaired blisters.
Is there a way to repair or reseal steps? (Canadian Inquiry)
HI – the best solution for your step, short of replacing the entire step, would be to have Vinyl Masters do ecoFinish over the step. The drawback is that the process would melt your existing liner, so the liner should be replaced as well – with the step refinished and then the new liner installed. Here is a site with more information about ecoFinish, as well as the website to contact Vinyl Masters. If they don’t cover your area for some reason, they can probably put you in touch with someone who does, or let me know and I can contact Mike Cleary from the ecoFinish company for another recommendation.
Good luck!
p.s. if you are in the US there are options too, visit ecopoolfinish.com to locate someone near you!