If Heater Will Not Heat, check these areas first:
- Is the supply (natural gas, propane, or electricity) on? If not, turn it on.
- Is the pilot light lit? If not, light the pilot light. This is only for those heaters that require a manual ignition of the pilot light.
- Are the skimmer and pump baskets clean? If not, clean the skimmer and pump baskets. Full baskets will restrict water circulation. The pressure switch in the heater requires sufficient circulation for the heater to heat.
- Is the filter dirty? If so, clean (backwash a sand or DE filter, rinse Cartridge filter cartridges. A clogged filter will also restrict water circulation. Again, the pressure switch in the heater requires sufficient circulation for the heater to heat.
- Is the water level sufficient? If not, fill the pool to the standard operating water level, which is at least half way up your skimmer.
- Is anything impeding the flow of water in your plumbing? Sometimes small pool toys or acorns can find their way into the pipes.
- Are the valves open? If not, open all the valves.
If you check all of these and the heater still won’t heat, please call for additional troubleshooting from your pool service team. A heater is kept in good running order by using it. If the heater is not used, rust will appear, spider webs and nests may be found, and mechanical parts may wear. If water chemistry is out of balance, the heat exchanger could be corroded to the point of premature failure. This is an expensive replacement and another good reason to monitor your water chemistry.