Thanks so much for getting back to me. Last time I had the water tested, everything looked good. Chlorine level was high due to us shocking it again with liquid chlorine. Decided to do a little experiment of turning off filter. (i had put the floc in over a week ago and I felt it made it worse but maybe I did not give it enough time). This time I just turned off the filter and left it off for almost 48 hours. The water became very clear; we could finally see the bottom of the pool. There was definetly some material at bottom of pool (mostly white but some areas of brown). I decided to vaccum it to waste but as soon as the vaccum head touched the bottom with the chemicals there, the water became cloudy again (I could see the white stuff raising and mixing with the water turning the pool cloudy/white again. I did a quick vaccum to waste but a couple of hours later the pool is still cloudy white and I can’t see the bottom again of the deep end. I did a backwash and now turned filter back on. Do you have any recommendations on what I should do now?

I would do the sand change, and use SeaKlear Water Clarifier to help clump the particles together and allow the filter to get them out. Floc makes things sink, a clarifier will make them clump and help the filter. Then run the pool 24/7 until it is cleared up (and repeat clarifier as needed – you can’t overdose on that product). I think in your case the sand change is essential.
You can order SeaKlear on Amazon: WQA Certified – SeaKlear Natural Clarifier for Pools, 1 Quart Bottle