Finally! A place where we give you the trade secret products we use to keep our pools maintained and running smoothly. Here are a few of our favorites and what we use them for on our pool builds and service accounts:
Anderson Manufacturing – an entire product line of helpful products for fixing issues – if it has to do with leaks, gluing, sealing and more – check them out first!

Boss 801 – waterproof sealant/glue dries clear. Use this for adhering tile that is stubborn and keeps falling off. Use it above or below water for stone adherence, liner patches, step kit leaks and light niche leaks.

FerriTabs – yes, there is a way to REMOVE iron from your pool water – designed for use with a sand filter so it can help trap the iron particles and backwash it out of the pool. *Note: use StainFree to lift stains off surfaces of the pool followed by FerriTabs for iron removal from the water.

Fix-A-Leak by Marlig industries – can give you the leak fix you need in certain situations. The pool guy uses this to give the system an added leak fix when there’s a slight amount of water leaking from the plumbing that needs a fix where the budget or fix requires something quick and relatively painless.

Frog @ease floating hot tub sanitizing system – the easiest stand alone hot tub chemical dispersing system we have found. Keep your water sanitized and avoid that stinky hot tub water smell – simple, easy and effective. *and personally used and recommended by the pool girl @sandimaki
in-floor pool cleaning head tools to remove or re-install popped out in-floor cleaning heads
Magic Erasers – use to remove scuffs from hot tub surfaces, tile, coping and more *NO It’s not meant to be used in your skimmer as a filter aid!

Magic Lube – water based lubricant to use on any plugs and o-rings in your pool’s equipment system.

Mr. Sticky Underwater Glue –by Anderson Manufacturing used by the pool guy to quickly fix pvc plumbing fittings – strong bond – can use underwater

Pool Putty – for patching leaking at the skimmer of gunite pools, light niches, and anywhere else you need a little putty that will cure underwater when wet!

SeaKlear – natural water clarifier – helps clear trace metals from the water – and helps with cloudy water caused by fine particulate – and to just give your pool that sparkle it used to have!

StainFu – for any stains on furniture, carpeting, indoor and outdoor use. It’s our favorite, and it’s our pool dog Bob on the label – since the StainFu folks are friends of ours and local to us in Michigan! *we also helped with the “it’s magic in a bottle” slogan – and we 100% believe this to be true!