Swimming Pool Renovations
Swimming pool renovations can be performed on all types of pools to increase the aesthetic appearance, fix functional issues, and overall add a fresh new look, feel, and function to a pool.
Gunite Swimming Pool Renovation
A traditional gunite swimming pool renovation will typically include work on the tile, coping, patio, skimmer, and the pool surface itself such as marcite or pebble.
Vinyl Liner Swimming Pool Renovation
A vinyl liner swimming pool renovation can include something as simple and straightforward as a liner replacement, or it can become more involved and include changing the coping and liner track style, repairing the bottom of the pool which is usually vermiculite {hard bottom} or sand, and in some cases concrete. Skimmers, return fittings, and lights are also the other areas where a vinyl liner pool can be renovated.
Best time to perform Renovations
Many homeowners ask what is the best time of year to perform a swimming pool renovation. The answer to this question has many variables. Anytime that it needs it is a great time to perform a swimming pool renovation project. You may want to take into consideration the climate, as most renovations are best done in favorable weather conditions, where it is warm enough that materials used are not so cold they are freezing and brittle, and not too hot that they are melting and sagging.
Late fall versus early spring is also a good time to think about a renovation. Once the summer is winding down and the pool has been enjoyed, it’s much less stressful on the homeowner and the contractor if the renovation doesn’t have to be rushed so the pool can be used. The weather conditions are often favorable, warm and dry, this time of year as well.
Early Spring Renovations & Ground Water Issues
Early spring when it is often the wettest is not the ideal time to perform a renovation on either a gunite or vinyl liner pool. Ground water pressure is a concern with a gunite pool. While it is essential that when draining a gunite pool {under the supervision or direction of a pool professional} that they hydrostatic relief valve in the bottom of the main drain functions to pop open and allow water in if the ground pressure is greater than the pressure holding the pool in place, it’s also important that you choose the right conditions to even attempt this. Please don’t think you are saving any time by draining your pool while you wait for quotes or a pool professional to come and evaluate your pool. It is never a good idea to empty a gunite swimming pool, unless you know exactly what you are doing.