Service Search questions Search Service 27 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveTagClear Filter 1 Ans Green stain on vinyl liner 1.26K viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 14, 2022chemicalsHow ToService 1 Ans Kids fishing rod got sucked into suctions drain on side of pool 1.00K viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 16, 2020Service 0 Ans Mini Max nt ln 955 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 29, 2020ProductsServiceTroubleshoot 0 Ans What is the best sand to use for a sand and salt system? 844 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019How ToProductsService 0 Ans I have a question. I have a paramount 6 port cleaning system. If my main module (gear box) isn’t working properly will it affect my pool with turning it green? Thanks 842 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019How ToService 0 Ans variable speed pump and cell power 762 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019How ToService 0 Ans Why are my new media blu10 balls coming out of the return. 762 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019ServiceTroubleshoot 0 Ans Shock the Pool? 930 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019chemicalsServiceTroubleshoot 0 Ans Dolphin in Above Ground Pool? 869 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019ProductsService 0 Ans Rubber Braided Hose 865 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019How ToService 0 Ans Power to Pump – No Water? 841 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019Service 0 Ans Electric vs. Natural Gas Heater 897 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019ProductsService 0 Ans Dolphin Cord 791 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019Service 0 Ans Mastertemp 400,000 885 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019Service 0 Ans how much sand does a jacuzzi laser sand filter model 190L take? 931 viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 26, 2019Service 1 Ans Hayward Pump Prime 2.09K viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 25, 2019Service 0 Ans Raypak Propane Heater No Spark 1.46K viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 23, 2019How ToProductsServiceTroubleshoot 0 Ans What size salt generator? 1.02K viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 23, 2019How ToSalt GeneratorService 2 Ans Pentair Intellichlor spring start-up 2.56K viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish February 28, 2019chemicalsHow ToSalt GeneratorService 0 Ans Freeze Prevention Overnight 1.23K viewsAsk the Pool Guy Changed status to publish November 13, 2018How ToService 1 2 Next » Question and answer is powered by