Is there a way to remove the water from behind the liner?


I built this pool myself 5 years ago.

Developed some leaks last year and didn’t notice the significance of the leaks till I closed the pool over the winter and lost about 2’ of water. Had the leaks fixed but 2 problems.

1st. The liner shifted over the top step and had come out of the track on one corner. I’ve poured hot water over the liner but the shift is too great and the liner won’t stay in place. Can it be moved?

2nd. There’s water behind the liner along the sloping seams. I didn’t make an allowance for this when I built the pool. Is there a way to remove the water from behind the liner? I’ve built a small pump with a piece of flex pipe that can slip behind the liner, but having problems with priming the pump.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 20, 2018

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