Above Ground Pool

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I found you guy’s on YouTube but it looks like you primarily do in ground but i was hoping you may still be able to help me. I have a 33ft round above ground pool with approximately 30,000gals of water it is a basic setup flexible hoses 1from the skimmer and 1 from the filter to the pool. Talking with co workers everyone has switched over to saltwater but they either have a in ground are a 15,000gal pool are less. From the time the sun comes up and go down my pool is in the sun the entire day know shade iam looking into rigging up a wind sail. I have heard i might want to invest in a bigger filter system and maybe adding another return line. But they main reason for switching over would be for lower maintenance and less chemicals but interested in hearing your thoughts.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish April 16, 2018

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