Activate Glass Media – Pea Gravel?

1.01K viewsConstructionGlass MediaPlumbing

I bought the Activate Glass media for a Hayward S220 sand filter. My pool is a few weeks away from being done. Hayward says to use pea gravel at the bottom. I’m not going to hold you guys liable for any information you give me, but is the pea gravel necessary? I’m confused why I need it. And why do you put the coarse glass in first and then the fine? Doesn’t it all eventually just mix together once water starts flowing through it? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish October 16, 2023

We have not been using pea gravel at the bottom, just the coarse on the laterals and the fine above that. Whether it mixes or not,  logic would tell me it likely does to some extent over time. The coarse just prevents all the fine from going through the fingers.

Make sure to backwash 3-5x before putting it in filter mode once it’s installed.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish October 16, 2023

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