Add Sun Deck to Existing Pool?

5.75K viewsConstructionHow To

I enjoy your youtube videos. Very informative.
I have a question about adding a sun deck to an existing pool.
Would you add a sun deck to a block wall pool? One of the companies that gave me a quote for pool re surfacing told me no. He said that the structure is too unstable and he won’t do it.
Is this right?
Thanks in advance for your answer!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 9, 2018

We would, and we have added a sun deck/sun ledge to existing pools – we have done it with both gunite and with a vinyl liner pool. It’s an involved process that means taking out some structure, digging down, pouring a footing, and then building up what is needed for the new feature. Here are a couple of examples:

Gunite Pool Renovation, Michigan:We added a large waterfall, sun ledge, new coping, patio and pool deck.

Vinyl Liner Pool Renovation: We added a sun ledge/step, ceramic tile, new coping, patio, and a new liner.


Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 10, 2018

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