Allergic to Non Chlorine Shock?

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used non chlorine shock in my bromine pool and seems I may be allergic to it.

Do you know how long it takes for the non chlorine shock to be used up?

I added two doses over a 3 week period. It’s a relatively new pool and I can’t just empty it all out. It’s approx 26,400 litres. I used blue horizon non chlorine shock.

Many thanks

Follow up:

The readings today were:
Bromine 2.39
Ph 7.2
Total alkalinity 59
Calcium hardness 303.
We have been advised that due to covid PH should be 7 and bromine 4 but I let bromine come down a bit as wanted to see if it made a difference.
The pool is new, so water only been in about 2 months. The ph was high to start with but has dropped with me putting in decreaser. The tap water in my area of UK is hard.
Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 24, 2021

2 Answers

The non chlorine shock is used up pretty quickly – I would wonder though if you have a low pH issue instead. The pH affects skin much more than any shock product. Bromine has a very low pH so if you are not adding and adjusting that on a weekly basis, it’s likely the issue. I’d get your water tested at a pool store to give you exact results and recommendations on how to balance.

If you get it tested and want to email your numbers in I can also offer some guidance.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 21, 2021
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