Bubbles on surface of a fiberglass pool

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When we purchase our home about 20 years ago a pool was included. The pool was constructed by the previous owner using concrete blocks filled with cement and the floor was poured in place over an extensive rebar cage. Once that cured, the entire pool was overlaid with layers of fiberglass. All was well for a few years, but over time the surface became faded and we have since painted it three times with epoxy pool paint. Unfortunately. it is now time to go thru that painting process once again. But we noticed that a number of places on the surface show small blisters when punctured release water. Our concern is moisture seeping through the fiberglass causing delaminations or is it the paint that’s failing? We are considering having the pool coated with ecoFINISH, but don’t want to waste money doing the wrong thing. I thought a sound approach would be to sandblast the fiberglass off the surface and then apply the new finish. Images can be provided if desired. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We are not on a social media platform (Facebook), so please provide a response to our email address.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish December 22, 2020

Yes, prep will need to include getting to the layer of fiberglass to begin ecoFinish prep- or painting again. Here’s more:

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish December 22, 2020
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