Can a spider gasket that is broken cause my pool not to filter?


Thank you for getting back to me. I realized that my spider gasket on my sand filter is completely shot. The part is coming in today. All of my levels are testing where they should be. I hope and pray that fixing the spider gasket will let my filter do the job. I feel that it hasn’t been properly filtering and that could be the culprit. This is my last hope effort. Could that be causing my pool to not filter? It started as a small leak from backwash, but is now a powerful force of water from backwash so much so that we had to put a hose on it to run it back into the pool so it wouldn’t drain empty. The pump is off now waiting for part to arrive for repair.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 20, 2018

Yes, water going through the filter improperly if the spider gasket was missing/broken/smushed could definitely create issues. I hope you get it sorted out!

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 20, 2018
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