Can my liner pool be empty for winter? (Freezing climate)


Our inground pool is 30+ years old and in desperate need of renovation. We ordered a new liner, as the current one was about 15 years old. Our pool guy drained the water in May so we could have part of the coping fixed that had cracked and pulled away from the concrete. We also wanted to paint the steps and coping, and repair the concrete around the pool, as it has cracked and sunk. Sadly, we could not find someone to fix the coping, (our pool guy only does openings and closings). So now we are in a situation where the old liner has ripped and torn since the water was removed, and now it’s time to winterize and close the pool. We do not want to install the new liner as the coping and the concrete still need to be repaired. We also need a new winter cover as ours is torn in multiple places and would not protect the new liner well. Everything I read says water needs to be in the pool for the winter. Our pool guy said we could line the pool in plastic to add the water needed for winter. However, he has no idea where to get plastic big enough. The pool is 20 x 40 with a 9′ deep end. What would you do in this situation? Do you have a pool repair/renovation company in our area that you would recommend?

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish October 7, 2023

HI – I’d agree that you want water in the pool so it prevents damage to the bottom until you can get everything fixed up. If the choice is putting the liner in now vs. waiting for the steps and coping you’d be better off doing the liner and living with the coping and steps than leaving the pool empty.(in my opinion) If you look for some commercial suppliers of plastic they do make large tarps for pool closings that you could use to line the pool until you do the liner – but if it slips out of place etc. you’ll be back to the empty pool situation. You can also chance it without water but if the pool freezes and the bottom heaves etc. the cost will be substantial to fix… A quick google search for plastic tarp shows farm supply stores may have something large enough to cover crops/grain silo just make sure it’s waterproof and non-breathable.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish October 7, 2023

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