Check Cell Light Flashing Green


My light is flashing to check the salt cell.  I have taken it apart and cleaned it with garden hose and put it back on. Then it still flashed after about 5 minutes so I took it apart and did the muratic acid clean.  After I put it back together I am still getting a flashing green light to check the cell.  This unit is about 2-3 years old and when I check the cell life by pushing the More button and holding it the unit lights up to 40%.  So, I am assuming I should have 60% more life.

I have inspected the cell and I don’t see any buildup on it at all.  Should I do muratic wash again?  How long should I let the cell sit in the muratic wash?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish August 27, 2018

Was the power turned off before you disconnected/reconnected the cell?

(5-10 minutes is all it should need) and the more acid baths the cell gets, the less life the cell may have. Also – if anything metal such a a screw driver comes in contact with the plates inside – if someone tries to scrape off scale, the cell will likely need replacing.

After cleaning with the 5 part water to muriatic acid bath, rinse the cell with the hose.

You can also fill a bucket up with salt water from the pool and when you turn the cell back on with power while it’s submersed in the salt water you can hold the flow switch down – carefully with some type of non corrosive tool ideally, if it makes bubbles the cell is still good and producing chlorine. If it doesn’t bubble it could mean the flow switch is bad, or the cell is bad. Depending on how many hours a day you run your pool/cell it could run through it’s lifetime in 3 summer seasons.

Here’s a link to more troubleshooting –IntellichlorQA

Good luck!


The older cells allowed for flow switch swapping. Newer cells do not:

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish June 29, 2018
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